Procedural programming in C

Procedural programming in C About the tutorial This tutorial is about procedural programming in C. We are going to use gcc within a linux environment to compile and run our programs. If you don’t want to install any compilers on the computer, you can use an online compiler like, or onlinegdb. Understanding the basics What is C? C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system....

February 26, 2024 · 12 min · 2476 words · Aum Pauskar

Building websites with React

React tutorial About the tutorial This short note is based and created assuming you are using a Linux (debian/ubuntu) system, most of the commands will run on other systems like Windows and Mac as well but may require some changes. In case you need to follow along and using a Windows system, you can use the Windows Subsystem for Linux to run the commands. Installing react In order to install react, node and npm are required....

December 15, 2023 · 5 min · 1031 words · Aum Pauskar

OOPS with Python and packages

Python Chapter summary - Unit 1 Unit 1 Python Fundamentals: An Introduction to Python programming: Introduction to Python, IDLE to develop programs; How to write your first programs: Basic coding skills, data types and variables, numeric data, string data, five of the Python functions; Control statements: Boolean expressions, selection structure, iteration structure; Define and use Functions and Modules: define and use functions, more skills for defining and using functions and modules, create and use modules, standard modules Contents What is python?...

November 23, 2023 · 25 min · 5176 words · Aum Pauskar

Web technologies - basic HTML/CSS/JS

Web notes FYI CSA: Client server architecture A web can be two tier, three tier, n tier having different applets for different purposes HTML: Hypertext markup lang, CSS: Cascading stylesheet, JS: Javascript P2P: Peer to peer architecture DOM: Document Object Model (DOM) is a file model wherein all the files are shown in a multiinterface structural model Tree stucture: A tree structure is a model where the start point is a single node but as we go down the model the number of nodess increase just like a tree....

November 17, 2023 · 24 min · 5062 words · Aum Pauskar

Static site generators with Hugo

Static site generators A short guide on how this site was created using hugo. Introduction There are multiple ways of creating of a website, if for example a simple site needs to be created with minimal content and updates a static site might be adequate, however if the site needs a frontend, backend and a database then a dynamic site is required. If the content is the only thing that matters and the content needs to be updated regularly then a static site generator is required....

November 17, 2023 · 7 min · 1390 words · Aum Pauskar