Git / github cheatsheet

Installation of git

  1. Download git from here
    • or use on debian based linux
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install git
  2. Check if git is installed
    git --version
  3. Configure git
    git config --global "Your Name"
    git config --global "Your email"
  4. (Optional) Change the default brach name from master to main
    git config --global init.defaultBranch main
  5. Configuring SSH keys to github
    Run these commands on the terminal
    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "$Your email"
    eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
    cat ~/.ssh/
    Go to Github>Settings>SSH and GPG keys. Click on New SSH key. Give a title and paste the key in the key field. Click on Add SSH key. The key should be available from the last command on the terminal.

Git commands

  1. git init - initialize a git repository
  2. git add <file> - add a file to the staging area
  3. git add . - add all files to the staging area
    • git add -A - add all files to the staging area
  4. git commit -m "message" - commit changes to the local repository
  5. git push - push changes to the remote repository
    • git push -u origin <branch_name> - push changes to a branch
    • git push origin <branch_name> - push changes to a branch
  6. git pull - pull changes from the remote repository
    • git pull origin <branch_name> - pull changes from a branch
  7. git status - check the status of the repository
  8. git log - view the commit history
  9. git branch - view the branches
  10. git branch <branch_name> - create a new branch
  11. git checkout <branch_name> - switch to a branch
  12. git checkout -b <branch_name> - create and switch to a branch
  13. git merge <branch_name> - merge a branch into the current branch
  14. git clone <url> - clone a remote repository
  15. git remote add origin <url> - add a remote repository
  16. git remote -v - view the remote repositories
  17. git remote set-url origin <url> - change the url of the remote repository
  18. git remote remove origin - remove the remote repository
  19. git submodule: git submodule is used to add a git repository inside another git repository. This is useful when you want to use a git repository inside another git repository. For example, you can use git submodule to add a git repository that contains a library to your project. This way, you can use the library in your project without having to copy the library files into your project directory.
    • git submodule add <url> - add a submodule
    • git submodule init - initialize the submodule
    • git submodule update - update the submodule
    • git submodule update --remote - update the submodule to the latest commit